When is Buddha Purnima 2019, Buddha Purnima 2019 Date
Buddha Purnima 2019
The time of birth and death of Gautam Buddha is uncertain. However, most historians had their lifetime of 563-483 BC Most people consider Lumbini, Nepal as the birthplace of Buddha. Buddha died at the age of 80 in Kushinagar in Uttar Pradesh.
For Buddhists, Bodh Gaya is the most important pilgrimage site of Gautam Buddha. The other three important places of pilgrimage are Kushinagar, Lumbini and Sarnath. It is believed that Gautam Buddha received knowledge in Bodh Gaya and for the first time he taught religion in Sarnath.
It is believed that Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment and that same day he passed away. Buddha Purnima is also known as the birthday of Buddha Jayanti, Vaisak, Vaishaka and Buddha.
In North India, Buddha is considered as the 9th incarnation and Lord Vishnu as the 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu. However, in the South Indian recognition, Buddha has never been considered as the incarnation of Vishnu. In South India Balram is considered as the 8th Avatar and Krishna is the 9th Avatar of Lord Vishnu. Balram is counted as the incarnation of Vishnu by the majority of Vaishnava movements. Even Buddhists do not consider the Buddha as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Buddha Purnima is the holiest day in the Buddhist calendar. This is the most important festival of Buddhists, and it is celebrated with great enthusiasm.
Although the Buddhists consider every purnima as sacred, Moon of Vaisakh month is of special significance, because on this day Buddha was born, he attained enlightenment (Nirvana), and after death, Parinirvana (death of Nirvana-body death) was obtained . .
Historical founder of Buddhism Shakyamuni Buddha was born in India 3,000 years ago There are different opinions about the exact date of birth and death, but according to the Buddhist tradition, it is said that he was born on 8th April 1029 BC and died on 15th February, 949 AD, although other Buddhist scholars Five hundred births are reported after years.
Shakyamuni Buddha was the son of the king of Shakya, a small tribal, whose kingdom was situated in the foothills of the Himalayas, now Central Nepal, which is fifteen miles away from Kapilavastu. Shakyamuni's Shakya is taken from the name of this tribe and Muni means the sage or the saint. His family was named Gautam (best cow) and his given name was Siddhartha (goal achieved), although some scholars say that it is a title given by the later Buddhists in respect of the knowledge he received.
Even though many Buddhists observe the historical birth of Buddha on April 8, the exact date remains in question. Although modern archeology and historical research confirm that Prince Siddhartha Gotam lived around this time.
The exact date of Wesak is the first full moon in the fourth month in the Chinese lunar calendar. The date in the Gregorian calendar varies from year to year, but usually occurs in May.
India india
In 2019, Buddha Purnima has been listed as a holiday in the following Indian states: Andaman and Nicobar, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jammu and Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Delhi , Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand.
Singapore, Singapore
In Singapore, the Veska Day celebrations include monks chanting and liberal works are done by Buddhist organizations and temples.
These included the release of captive birds and animals, begging poor and needy and giving them. In the evening the silence march or meditation ends the celebration throughout the day.
After World War II, there was a campaign in Singapore to make Vaisak Day a national holiday. Eventually it was given a national holiday in 1955.
Thailand thailand
In Thailand, Buddha's birthday is known as Vishakha Buka Day. This is a holy day, so in shops, bars and restaurants, there is a ban on selling alcohol for 24 hours from midnight to midnight.
All government offices and many businesses will be closed. Yellow Buddhist flags can hang for marking school and college days.